
We understand the importance of staying within budget, that's why we offer both subscription and individual pricing for our members:

Pay Per Piece: Our Music Beds and Sound Design pieces are available for purchase as singles and individually priced.

Three Subscription Options: For those needing constant access to new music beds and sound design pieces, we offer three different subscriptions options to fit your budget and needs:
Standard Plan: Allows up to 15 downloads per month
Premium Plan: Allows up to 25 downloads per month
Unlimited Plan: Allows you unlimited monthly downloads

Check out our Pricing page for more details!

One of a Kind Sound Design

Our Team is a group of passionate and experienced musicians, producers, creators and audio nerds brought together by fate through the radio industry. Our love for creating original and exciting audio allows us to create something unique to help your personal projects break through the white noise with our one of a kind sound - a sound proudly known as the Gorilla Sound.

Our online Music Library offers hundreds of music beds and sound design pieces you won't hear or find anywhere else. Whether you choose to purchase each piece individually or sign up for a monthly subscription, you'll have access to one of a kind, fully-produced audio to help enhance whatever your next project may be.

Looking for something really specific and just not finding it anywhere? We love a challenge! Use the Contact page to reach out for a custom music bed or sound design quote!

Interested in our imaging production services? Send us an email at for more information or to hear our latest demos!

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Sign Up to Gorilla Sound

If you're already a user, click here to log in now. Otherwise, complete the simple form below to register with Gorilla Sound and take advantage of user playlists and more.

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If you know your details you may Log In Now

Save Search

Save this search for future use. With save search, you can easily share searches with colleagues, as well.

Add Track to Playlist Folder

Add this track to an existing playlist folder or create a new playlist folder.

Add track `` to:

Playlist status

Public playlists will be displayed on the Gorilla Sound website within the Featured Playlists area.

Private playlists will not be displayed or shown in search results, but you may choose to share them with friends and colleagues.

More information on Playlist Folders

Track to Playlist Folder

You can copy your selected tracks to an existing playlist folder or create a new one.

Playlist status

Public playlists will be displayed on the Gorilla Sound website within the Featured Playlists area.

Private playlists will not be displayed or shown in search results, but you may choose to share them with friends and colleagues.

More information on Playlist Folders

Edit your Playlist Folder

Change your playlist title and description. You can also change the playlist status from private to public or vice versa at any time.


Playlist status

Public playlists will be displayed on the Gorilla Sound website within the Featured Playlists area.

Private playlists will not be displayed or shown in search results, but you may choose to share them with friends and colleagues.

More information on Playlist Folders

Share your Playlist Folder

Whoa Nelly! We need a bit more information

To display an accurate price, please select your usage and currency. Then add tracks to your basket.

You need to confirm the account.

Account not yet confirmed.

Please verify your account by clicking the verification link received via signup email. If you can not find or have not received your verification code via email, click here to resend it.

Customise My Track

Please provide a few brief details below so that we can create your unique customised track.

We'll be in touch to discuss your track customisation shortly based on your comments above


This track is licensed under the terms of your Blanket License Agreement with us.

You may only use this track in accordance with the terms of your Blanket License Terms and Conditions. Please contact us at if you require a different usage and we can easily and swiftly extend your licence either for your selected tracks or for your entire Blanket Licence.

Usage outside of the terms of your Blanket Licence is an offence and we reserve the right to take action against you.


This track was purchased on under our agreement

You may only use this music track under the terms of the Creator license agreement that you have purchased. Please contact us if you would like to extend the terms of your license or use the music track for another purpose.

Usage outside of the terms of your license agreement is an offence and we reserve the right to take action against you.


By downloading this track you confirm your agreement to the Try Before you Buy Terms and Conditions which can be found on the Gorilla Sound website. Usage outside of the Try Before You Buy Terms and Conditions is an offence and we reserve the right to take action against you.


By downloading this track you confirm your agreement to the Instant Download Terms and Conditions which can be found on the Gorilla Sound website.

Stems and Loops

Your account setting doesn't allow you to download stems and loops, please get in touch with the Gorilla Sound team to purchase stem/loop files.

Bulk Download Confirmed

Your bulk download request has been confirmed and our servers are busy compiling your tracks and zipping them up ready for download. You'll shortly receive an email containing a link to download your tracks.

Delete Playlist Folder

Are you sure you want to delete the playlist folder? This action cannot be reversed.

Delete Tracks from Playlist Folder

You are deleting tracks from the playlist folder. Once confirmed, this action can not be reversed.

Try Before You Buy

With our Try Before You Buy account, you can:

Simply download and audition broadcast quality music tracks

Try Before You Buy

As a current Gorilla Sound client, you may contact us for a Try Before You Buy account. Try Before You Buy lets you download as much music as you like, with no obligation to purchase. Try out different tracks and synchronise with your production. Make your final track selection and only pay for the tracks you decide to use. No beeps, no annoying voice-over saying "copyright Gorilla Sound". Simply download and audition broadcast quality music tracks.

Blanket Account Limit Reached

Sorry, you have hit the limit on your blanket account for this month. We set a download limit for security reasons. But don't panic! Simply contact your account manager or email to have your download limit extended.

Blanket Limit Reached

Sorry, you have hit the limit on your blanket account for this month. We set a download limit for security reasons. But don't panic! Simply contact your account manager or email to have your download limit extended.

Stem Pack Request

Please complete your details below and we will be in touch to provide you with your stem pack.

We'll be in touch shortly to provide you with your stems.

Track License Request

This track is available for licensing but we require your production details first before we can confirm your license. Please complete the details below and we will be in touch to discuss your license.

Monthly Download Limit

Sorry! You've now hit the monthly download cap for your plan.

Please contact us should you need further help!

Plan Download Limit

Sorry! You've now hit the download cap for your plan.
Please contact us should you need further help!